Production, separation and purification of PVC cable regrinds.

We operate in the field more than 10 years and we definitely have something to offer.
Check out why.

What we do

Our company operates more than 10 years in the field of production, separation, and purification of PVC cable regrinds generated due to the mechanical treatment in the recycling process of cables.

suweko map


Repurchasing of plastic materials

We repurchase all kinds of cable regrinds and plastic materials preferably in bigbags, we accept also loos regrinds and plastic lumps.

More about plastic material repurchasing

Cable regrinds

All regrinds made of PVC cables are specifically tested on presence of extraneous subsatnces and unfit plastics such as TPE, EPDM, PP, PE, XLPE and more. If regrinds contain too high percentage of some of those materials, they are marked as unprocessable and are proceeded to other utilization or recyclation. On the contrary regrinds with high percentage of PVC are re-purified, divided into qualitative categories and then homogenized according to requirements of a customer.

More about cable regrinds


Selected cable regrinds made of PVC or HDPE we can convert effectively on our technologies to granules in size of 4 to 6 mm.

More about regranulation

Benefits of cooperation

Why to cooperate with us?

Currently, the majority of PVC waste ends up in a landfill. However, these landfills do not solve the PVC disposal dilemma. PVC scrap can damage infrastructure, pollute the local environment (such as contamination of groundwater or aquifers), or create bothersome problems such as dust, odor, or noise pollution. Many users of cable assemblies feel that landfills are an undesirable way of discarding scrap.